Thursday, January 26, 2006

cracked up

My feet have issues. Major issues.

1. I have some sort of toe fungus so my second to last nail on my left foot is all fat. I've had this since high school and it really didn't bug me too much, but now it's starting to get too fat. Plus, I think it's starting to spread to the nearby toes.

2. My feet crack. This is the worst thing in the world. My heels get all cracky, but even worse, the side of my foot right next to my little toe starts to crack too. *Right now I am lucky to feel both of my feet cracking. It's an amazing feeling. I love it! It's really fun to be walking on the upper right hand ball of my left foot and the upper side of my right foot. It's really fun to feel the cracks splitting with every step. Wonderful.*

3. Speaking of my messed up feet, I'm pretty sure I have athlete's foot, but it's such a normal thing for me I don't notice it anymore.

So my feet have always been like this. It's not because I'm suddenly in a new, dryer climate. I'm the queen of lotions and potions and the like. I really know what I like in that department. I am pretty good at covering my feet with lotion, but that doesn't always help. In fact, it sometimes speeds up the cracks so one night I put lotion on, the next morning I walk in pain to the bathroom. I also have one of those buffer type things for your rough spots, so I scrub my feet with that to try and help get rid of the dry calousy stuff, but sometimes that just hurts a lot. I don't know how much it really helps honestly. I try to sleep with socks on (even though I hate it) and I don't think that makes too much difference either. So I just do my thing and deal with it, but I really wish there was a way to fix it. I think what I need to do is go to the foot doctor.

I remember when I was little and running around barefoot everywhere (I guess that really hasn't changed much). My toes would crack so my mom would hold me down and rub this lotion in for me. Eventually that went away, but I guess my feet are just destined to be to' up. Haha. Get it?

So it's just about 3am. I think I woke up because I went to bed kind of tipsy and my body woke me up and was like, "hello. you need water before you can safely sleep the rest of the night." So now I'm drinking water like it's nothing and typing in my blog. My cute puppy dog is curled on on the couch all snuggly and soft. She is the cutest. My boyfriend just got a new place to live that seems to work out pretty well, so we're both really excited. It's furnished and he's roommates with two women about the same age as him. Basically, the house is fat. Or is that PHAT? Anyway, they have 3 dogs and a big back yard which Lola will love. I'm pretty excited to get to know two new people and the house will give me a chance to get away from my own place.

I guess the thing that bugs me the most about being up right now is that there is nothing to watch on tv except an old Leno rerun. My Letterman loyalty is feeling very betrayed right now, but Letterman, you understand right? There's nothing else on! I still love you as much as ever! Oh yeah, I also hate being up right now because my feet are throbbing. Ouchie. Mommy they hurt! (don't worry, I'd never ask you to kiss them and make them feel better)

*This is called sarcasm. I hate the feeling I described between the two astrics. It is painful!*


Blogger Nancy White said...

I have the same "foot crack" problem. A really good Vaseline-like ointment is Aquaphor. It seems to work well for me. Yeah, wearing socks to bed really sucks. But I do have these gel foot socks and you put soothing foot gel in them when you go to's squishy and kinda cool. I use that if it's really bad.

6:58 PM  

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