Saturday, February 25, 2006


I was looking through my newest ELLE magazine and was struck with a page that had a collage of lockets. All of a sudden I realized I have always loved lockets! I love all kinds of lockets. I love poison rings, pocket watches...all of the variations of lockets. Not only are there many unique styles, I love that it seems like you are opening a little presant every time. I especially love the antique lockets, but I just love anything unique and ornate.

When I was young my mom gave me an envelope locket that looked like this... I always loved the idea of opening it and out came a little letter that said "I love you."

When I graduated from high school I was given a gold heart locket with my initials on it.

So far I only have two lockets, but I would love to collect more. So here's the deal...if anyone wants to buy me something unique or special if they're traveling or if it's my birthday or a holiday, find a unique locket for me! There are so many styles and sizes. I love the idea of having an entire collection of lockets to wear or put on display throughout my room. OF course, since it was Elle magazine that made me think of this, lockets are in fashion! but that's okay with me. I subscribed to Elle, so obviously I'm not so anti-fashion!

My boyfriend Drew actually thinks I should be a fashion designer, but I need to learn that whole sewing thing and have money to buy the fabrics and things so... It'll remain in my dreams for now. Funny thing, I've always had a pull to the arts and design so, maybe some day I'll have a way to do it all!

Friday, February 10, 2006

let it snow...

Isn't she just too cute?

So, yeah, it snowed again. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day until about noon and then WOOSH! the cold front started moving in. It started snowing around 6 or 7pm. Now our ground is covered with lovely snow. Lola LOVES it! She's running around, sticking her nose in the snow, eating it, digging in it, running and running and running... She sees footprints and starts sniffing out their trail...where are they going? where did they go? All I know is, if I ever somehow get covered in snow and no one could find me, Lola would be able to sniff me out. She's sure got a sniffer on her. ANyways, here are some very lovely Lola pics I thought I'd share. She is just way too cute...even though she drives me crazy too. Oh well. What makes Lola so cute right now is how just one minute ago, when we were outside, she was running around and getting all crazy. But now that we're inside, she's laying down and about to fall asleep on the chair next to me. She's such a cute puppers...

Let's play!
The end.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

on the pot

I like to read my theology while I'm on the pot...

Well, not usually, but for some reason this new book I've begun was began while on the pot. I'm reading Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith by Rob Bell. I have seen a couple of the videos from his Nooma series and think they are great tools for high school. They are about 15 - 20 minutes long and could be used as a great conversation starter. Actually, the videos and the book could be great tools for confirmation too. So, anyway, the book is an easy read. I could imagine a group of teens reading through it together. The only thing is, while I skimmed through it, trying to decide if I should read it or not, I noticed that what I read in one of the chapters was pretty much the same as what he said in the video that shared the name of the chapter. It's not really a problem, but it makes me wonder if you need both the book and the videos... I guess both could be used for different types of education.

I also want to use Why Christian?: For Those on the Edge of Faith by Douglas John Hall with late high school or college aged students. It's a little more in depth, but split up in sections that would make it useful in an educational setting.

Both of those books aren't too huge or heavy, which would make them useful in a parish setting. However, for those who want something huger or heavier, check out the links above. Just think, you don't have to sit and read them straight through (I don't care how fast a reader you are, these books take time); perhaps, they'd be perfect reading while you're on the pot.