let it snow...

Isn't she just too cute?
So, yeah, it snowed again. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day until about noon and then WOOSH! the cold front started moving in. It started snowing around 6 or 7pm. Now our ground is covered with lovely snow. Lola LOVES it! She's running around, sticking her nose in the snow, eating it, digging in it, running and running and running... She sees footprints and starts sniffing out their trail...where are they going? where did they go? All I know is, if I ever somehow get covered in snow and no one could find me, Lola would be able to sniff me out. She's sure got a sniffer on her. ANyways, here are some very lovely Lola pics I thought I'd share. She is just way too cute...even though she drives me crazy too. Oh well. What makes Lola so cute right now is how just one minute ago, when we were outside, she was running around and getting all crazy. But now that we're inside, she's laying down and about to fall asleep on the chair next to me. She's such a cute puppers...

awww she is sooo adorable!
i love that you have a dog and i dont. i want to come visit. maybe during easter break (im tight on money right now so maybe not)
cc -or- kk
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