Thursday, August 10, 2006

i'm open minded but you're not cool enough for me

um, yeah, i don't get this idea of being "open minded." some people are just way too proud of their "open mindedness" and how other people just aren't as "open minded" as they are.


I'm trying to find a place to live. This is a very annoying thing because I have to go meet people I don't know and guess that we might make good roommates. I'm also tired of driving around and guessing that I might like to live in that area. Can't one of my best friends and past roommate decide to move to Colorado and live with me? That would make this whole thing much more simple. Or why can't my friend at work just decide she wants to move out now and find a place with me? I think we would live very nicely together too.

And speaking of work... yeah I only made $70 bucks today, but I had fun goofing off with coworkers. I also don't think I want to work nights just because that staff is full of assholes. I don't think I want to work with people who have such lame attitudes even if I can make twice the money. Please people. Get over yourselves.

So it all comes back to people who annoy me. A thrilling blog, eh?


I read the blog of this chica I may move in with. She's all ranting and raving in her art-chic/writer's way and I know it wasn't all about me, but it still rubbed me the wrong way. Lots of energy and who knows where it would all go if I was living with her? I'm so mellowed out and introverted in the past year, will it work for me to live with a chica who likes screamo and hard core? Plus, I'm afraid she made some off-base assumptions about who I am, which would really dissapoint me.

You know what they say about ass u m(e) ing...